All Religions enslave you!

Religions want you dumb and impoverished, like all slaves. That's why all religions fear YAHdi Freedom and Truth.

The Word of YAH is God's Original Word to us all. You can begin by studying the first two chapters on the next web page and then contact us by email or phone. All religions lie. Only YAHdi "BarbariYAns" (Family of the Son of YA) of YAsarel are taught the Original Scriptures. We are a Way of Life! Religions all serve human kings and immoral gods. YAHdi serve only King YAHUWAH, our Creator and Savior. Religions submit to governing men. YAHdi rule themselves under YAH through Elder honoring Democracy. Religions use fiat money. YAHdi use money backed by gold and land, such as YAsarel's New AmericAHn Eagle. It gained 7.7% against the dollar last year! Religions just want your money and servitude to keep you poor and ignorant. YAHdi make you spiritual, loving, prosperous, educated, happy, in love, healthy and bound for eternal life! You choose!

​​The Holy Bible & "the LORD" support murder,  sex slaves and terrorism! (Gen 7, Ex 21, Dt 13, Lev 19, Nu 31) ENOUGH of lies! Curse all Lies and Liars. They destroy our children, our families and our morals!

Jesus cannot save you because he never died for your sins 1992 years ago. YAHUW DID THAT! isaiah's true name means "The Savior is YAHUW."

Life Law 7- "Keep your Pledges"! Keeping our love pledges to our lovee is a big thing to God and to us YAHdi! 100% of all​ YAHdi Love Pledges are crazy in love all the time! We  stay madly in love all our lives! So check out YAH's Way of Forever in Love! It's our Father YAH's will for us! It can be your life too!

Love & marriage

Eternal Life is why god made your family!

El YAH's Kingdom


Slavery came to America with Christianity in 1492. It is the greatest deception  of history! The Holy Bible has 6500 contradictions! Only the Word of YAH is perfect and will make you truly happy and set your family Forever FREE! Check out the Creation account on next page! It reveals 247 scientific truths no other ancient manuscript has!

Learn the 7 Sacred Spirits in YAHUWAH! He never enslaves, changes, blasphemes, murderers, betrays, cheats, steals or lies! Religious gods (like the LORD) do all these!


is more important

than your forever yah family!

Kingdom of YAHUWAH.COm