YAHUWAH's Loving Word will show you how to prepare for life long love and success, no matter what your spouse does. Our Family of YAH takes care of each other, no matter what comes. We are the giant worldwide loving nuclear family you were made to know and love. Every person is a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, father, mother or cousin. We really love each other. We help you get on your feet, stay on your feet and retire in 10-20 years if you want to! We have classes in health, investment, housing, international business, family life and marriage. Most important, is how you and your family can live forever through your true Savior YAHUWAH!
You have a responsibility to raise your children in healthy truth. Christianity, Judaism and Islam teach your kids to murder unbelievers (Dt 13), accept slavery (Ex 21, Col 3:22, I Tim 6), marry multiple wives, have sex slaves (Abraham, David, Solomon), to steal land (Joshua) and to wipe out even women and children who you believe your god says are evil (Gen 6-7, Joshua 5-21 etc). This is terrorism! Religious wars will kill your kids too. Don't get sucked into pagan wars for your kids. Teach them to fight only to protect their family or land. Otherwise, live in polite kindness but never surrender your freedom. Never let Religious lies make your kids into doormats for anyone! Live free or die fighting!
The OS of YAH tells us the 12 sons of YAacob (Jacob) never came from polygamy or from sex slaves (concubines). YAHUWAH has never blessed a man with multiple wives or even one outside affair, much less a sex slave. YAHUWAH's Way is for one man and one woman to be crazy in love with each other and only then make a Love Pledge. You must be willing to share 50% of what each on makes every paycheck. We never have divorce or nasty divorce fights, EVER! The Love Pledge has to be renewed every 7 days or else it runs out automatically. YAHdi marriage is always just for love. Let your children see their parents in love and laughter! A happy family is God's will for you all your life! And it is living "the Abundant Life" YAHUWAH the real Liberating Christ offers to you!
PS-We don't love money but we will teach your kids how to be financially free in 10 years! Poverty is slavery. So is any co-dependency! Get Free!
Eternal Life is why god made your family!
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The Kingdom of YAHUWAH! Welcome Home Dear Family of Love and Truth!
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